Monday, November 8, 2010

In The Beginning

I am ashame to say that I embarked on a weight loss journey not too long ago and while I was successful it ended in failure. How is this possible? Simple, I went back to eating unhealthy foods and not exercising. End result I gained back 15 lbs. What is making me do it again, you may ask?? First off I felt better, less aches and pains, increased self esteem (a sister was looking GOOD) and last but a very important mention I was asked to be in my Sorority Sister's wedding in May 2011. Now I know it is November, and I also know me. It may take me a minute or two, or a day or 3 to really get my mind where it needs to be to take on this challenge full force.

Today marks the first day of my challenge. I tried on my dress and had to order a size 18 UGH!! But I am looking to get some major alternations in April. I don't want to just wear the dress, I want to WEAR the dress, if you know what I mean! Right now I feel blah in the dress, but that is going to change. I invite you to watch me transform and also hold me accountable when the need is there. I am posting the picture of me in the dress...UGH but again there has to be some accountability and me telling the world, well hmmm what would you call it?? Starting weight 219.0 lbs...LET's GET IT!!! BTW..I found a great website I am using this site to track my daily food intake, daily exercise and I also joined a lose 35 lb challenge....Thanks in advance for taking this journey with me!!! Ta Ta for now!


  1. Shalana, Thank you for your dedication to your health, mind, body and my dress LOL... You will be alsolutely gorgerous on my big day. It is fastly approaching. I will post a comment everyday during your journey, as I too will be in weigh loss and bride mode doing my best to get my body as perfect as it can be. My journey will begin Black Friday 2010(momma ain't no fool thanksgiving is right around the corner Huh say what...LOL ) But I will not over eat... Stay positive and you will do well. What ever happen please know you are beautiful just the way you are and I am so happy you are my sister and bridemaid.. XOXO Regina

  2. LMAO at the momma ain't no fool comment. Thanks Gene!!

  3. I am so proud of you! Level One of 30 Day Shred is no walk in the park - it's a a calorie burner for sure. Keep up the good work! You can do this!

  4. Thanks Jeanie! You are right, 30 day shred is no joke for an out of shape person such as I. I will be back to doing it with ease in no time then on to level 2...almost dropped a tear thinking about it!!

  5. Hey Shalana, I am on this journey too. I have played Wii boxing till my arms hurt and I broke a serious sweat. My family moved the treadmill up to the first floor, now I can get on it since it is cold outside. I walked 2 days during the Thanksgiving break. I am motivated...sort of. But after reading this more motivated than before.
