Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What day is it?? Day 2....

I see I have some followers, YAY!! Today was a good day. I was very motivated to stay on task and with that being said, I have to be brutally honest I was craving some french fries. I beat it!! Drank some water, chewed a piece of gum, busy at work and I forgot about the fries. Another situation I encountered today occured during my trip to the mall to pick up my sisters laptop from the Apple store. I passed by one of my favorite spots, drum roll please.....CINNABON...I started talking to myself, "you can do this", "It's Day 2, don't give up", "You don't need it, and why do you want it anyway it is not nourishing your body"...I talked myself right out of it while I swiftly walked past, but ohhhh the smells. I am drooling thinking about it...LOL My point is, it is the beginning and I will have many other days like this but I am focusing on my need to nourish my body not to over indulge in all the wonderful sweet treats that I like to eat...If you don't already know I prefer cakes, cookies, brownies, pie, candy over a real meal any day of the week!! HA HA

I must say I am loving Dailyburn!! Once I input my food intake (I am tracking anything I put in my mouth) it provides me with this wonderful pie chart that lets me know if I ate enough calories, protein, fat and carbs. There is an indicator based on my weight that I should be eating 1833 to 2083 calories, now I think this is pretty steep considering I want to lose weight, however I probably ate over 3000 calories in sweets prior to this so let me hush my mouth and try to be follow these guidelines!!! Day 1-I did not meet the goal and ate 1206 calories, Day 2-I ate 1389 calories. Protein goal is 102-176 grams, Day 1-50.9, Day 2-89.9. Fat goal is 45-78 g, Day 1-61.7, Day 2-59.2. Carb goal is 195-293 g, Day 1-119.7, Day 2-131.8. The common trend in these numbers is I am able to reach my fat intake goal, GO FIGURE!!...I will continue to work on trying to reach and not exceed the goals and will report my numbers from time to time.

Another great feature of Dailyburn is the exercise programs. I found a training plan and it provides me with workouts to complete 3 days a week. Not only have I committed to doing the 3 day workouts, I have also planned to work out 2 additional days and take off on the weekend. Tonight I did not have a Dailyburn workout but I did an at home DVD. One of my favorites (not really, who really enjoys exercise?? I don't see any hands raised!!! LOL) Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I completed Level 1, which is a 20 min exercise routine. I know your probably thinking 20 mins, that is all? Well I have you to know the intensity is very important so if you can workout for 20 mins at a high intensity you will see the results down the line. I was still able to record this exercise in my exercise log. I plan to have someone measure before Monday and when I do I will provide my measurements as well. One thing I learned in my previous weight loss efforts is that you sometime see the difference in the way your clothes fit before you actually see the number on your scale move. Having accurate measurements taken is important and another way to track your progress. Another lessoned I learned from Momma Gene is not to be a scale whore!!! ha ha...well I still haven't mastered this approach. I wont get on the scale everyday but I will track my progress every Monday so also look for me to post that number as well.

All in all it was a successful day! I am feeling good about the efforts I have put forth so far! Again, thanks for your support and feel free to leave me comments!


  1. I am a little behind in my responses but here goes. You are strong, black and beautiful temptations are all around us remember what you goal is. The idea should not to be on a diet but to eat healthy so you can be the best you. I say if you want that cinnbun go for it! Just account for it in your meals. They idea has alway been it's not what you eat but when, and how much you eat of it. I think if you deprive yourself all the time your journey will be long and hard. This is what I will be doing starting black friday 11/26/2010. I will detox my body from all fast food, cakes/and or sweets, fried, high fat, high sodium, high carbs for two weeks. Basically i will be on a soft diet. After the two weeks I will slow introduce some of the items as i crave them (All in moderation). Excerising will be six days a week at 1hr ( I hoping baby will allow me to do this LOL). And I will be working on my thoughts and how I view food. I wish you much success on your journey and I will post again tomorrow...

  2. Knowing me I have to start off playing hardball. To have eaten the Cinnabon would have rendered me powerless, sort of like I give myself an inch but then I took a foot...so for me I have to be structured and remove certain things until I can trust myself. Look at you already have a plan of action ready to go!! YOU CAN DO IT!! You have done it before and I too will be encouragement for you! Lil guy will be ok while you take 1 hour for your health :-)
